(BQ) Part 1 book "Economic botany" has contents: Fibers and fiber plants, forest products - wood and cork, forest resources, tanning and dye materials, rubber and other latex product, gums and resins, essential oils, fatty oils and waxes, sugars, starches, and cellulose product,. and other contents. | McGRAW-HILL PUBLICATIONS IN THE BOTANICAL SCIENCES EDMUND W. SINNOTT, CONSULTING EDITOR ECONOMIC BOTANY This book is produced in jutl compliance with the government's regulations Jor conserving paper and essential materials. SELECTED TITLES FROM McGRAW-HILL PUBLICATIONS IN THE BOTANICAL SCIENCES EDMUND W. SINNOTT, Babcock and Clau8en-Genetics Belling-The Use of the Microscope Boysen Jensen-Growth Hormones in Plants Braun-Blanquet and Fuller and Conard- Plant Sociology Curtis-The Translocation of Solutes in Plants Eames-Morphology of Vascular Plants Eames and MacDaniels-Plant Anatomy Fitzpatrick-The Lower Fungi G(J,umann and Dodge-Comparative Morphology of Fungi Haupt-An Introduction to Botany Haupt-La1oratory Manual of Elementary Botany Hill-Economic Botany Hill, OverhoUs, and Popp--Botany Johansen-Plant Microtechnique Loomis and 'Shull- Methods in Plant Physiology Experiments in Plant Physiology Consulting Editor Lutman- Microbiology Maximov--Plant Physiology Miller-Plant ~hysiology Pool-Flowers and Flowering Plants Sass-Elements of Botanical Microtechnique Seifriz- ProtoplasIll Sharp-Introduction to Cytology Sharp~Fundamentals ot Cytology Sinnott- Botany Sinnott and Smith-Cryptogamic Botany Vol. I, Algae and Fungi Vol. II, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes Fresh-water Algae of the U. S. Swingle-Systematic Botany W eaver- Root Development of Field Crops Weaver and Bruner-Root Develop. ment of Vegetable Crops Weaver and Clements-Plant Ecology W odehouse-Pollen Grains There are also the related series of McGraw-Hill Publications in the Zoological Sciences, of which A. Franklin Shull is Consulting Editor, and in the Agricultural Sciences, of which Leon J. Cole is Consulting Editor. ECONOMIC BOTANY A Textbook of Useful Plants and Plant Products . BY ALBERT F. HILL Re8earch Assistant in Economic Botq.,,'11 . Harvard University . I . FIRST EDITION FIFTH IMPRESSION 'McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, NEW YORK .