This paper presents an analysis of the effect of commutation inductor in ZVS and clamped voltage. To construct such converters, a switch cell, which consists of the basic PWM switch cell and an additional commutation inductor circuit, is proposed. | Prasad et al, International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 1(1),September-October 2011 Effect of Commutation inductor in ZVS and clamped voltage Prasad 1 babu 2 3 1. Mr. Prasad, Asso. Professor in Dept. of EEE, Aditya College of Engg., Madanapalle 2. . Sai babu, Professor in Dept. of EEE, JNTU Kakinada. 3. , HOD in Dept. of EEE, Lakkireddy Balreddy Institute of Technology, Mylavaram. Abstract-This paper presents an analysis of the effect of commutation inductor in ZVS and clamped voltage. To construct such converters, a switch cell, which consists of the basic PWM switch cell and an additional commutation inductor circuit, is proposed. Using this switch cell, a family of single-switch ZVS-CV converter topologies can be derived. Zero-voltage-switched (ZVS) resonant converters utilizing softswitching techniques can operate at higher switching frequency than the hard-switched PWM converters. In recent years, a number of ZVS resonant converters have been proposed. The resonant converter topologies, which utilize the resonant transition, are generated by addition of resonant elements to the conventional PWM converters. However, in these resonant converters much higher voltage stress arises across the switch due to the resonant manner. Therefore these converters inevitably require highvoltage-rating devices, which results in an increasing conduction loss. On the other hand, a new soft-switching Available online @ These converters have the reduction of turn-on loss and noise, and the minimum voltage stress across the switch. As an example, the operating principle and the steady-state analysis for Cuk and boost converters are described and are verified experimentally. technique to remedy this drawback has recently been proposed. Those converters are called "Zero-voltage-switching and clamped voltage (ZVS-CV) type converters." In .