Lecture Methods of Electric power systems analysis - Lesson 7: DC Power flow, Gaussian elimination, sparse systems provide students with knowledge about DC power flow in powerworld; linear system solution; sparse matrices arise in many areas, and can have domain specific structures; Gaussian elimination can be readily applied to sparse matrices; . | ECEN 615 Methods of Electric Power Systems Analysis Lecture 7 DC Power Flow Gaussian Elimination Sparse Systems Prof. Tom Overbye Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A amp M University overbye@ Announcements Read Chapter 6 from the book The book does the power flow using the polar form for the Ybus elements Homework 2 is due on Thursday September 17 For homework 2 you ll need to commercial version of PowerWorld Simulator. 1 DC Power Flow Example The output of the generator at bus 3 is now 440 MW Example from Power System Analysis and Design by Glover Overbye Sarma 6th Edition 2 DC Power Flow in PowerWorld PowerWorld allows for easy switching between the dc and ac power flows case Aggieland37 Aggieland Power and Light To use the 39 A SLA CK345 MVA dc approach A 67 MVA Total Load MW pu HOWDY345 slack 862 MW Total Losses MW A A A 90 90 65 pu TEXA S345 MVA MVA SLA CK138 MVA pu 64 A A 94 MVA TEXA S138 tap 53 MW 0 Mvar A 21 MVA Mvar 29 MW pu 90 pu A MVA HOWDY69 HOWDY138 A 35 MVA pu pu in PowerWorld 0 Mvar 100 MW MW MVA A 27 MW select Tools A pu TEXA S69 pu BA TT69 60 MVA 0 Mvar 123 0 Mvar A MVA 37 MW 39 pu NORTHGA TE69 A A A MVA 87 17 23 0 Mvar MVA 12MA N69 MVA MVA A A pu BONFIRE69 WHITE138 103 MW 27 MVA 34 MW 0 Mvar Solve DC A MVA A 74 20 MW 36 CENTURY69 MVA MVA Mvar 50 MW A 0 Mvar 31 MW 73 PLUM138 0 Mvar A pu WEB138 MVA 75 pu MVA GIGEM69 pu A A MA ROON69 REVEILLE69 93 MW 72 68 tap 49 MW Power Flow MVA MVA 82 MW 0 Mvar 59 MW 0 Mvar 0 Mvar A pu 0 Mvar 77 MVA WEB69 TREE69 pu pu Mvar Mvar pu A A MVA 0 MW 100 MW 0 Mvar 43 Mvar 5 MW A MVA FISH69 A 55 50 MW 55 MVA A MVA 93 MW 57 pu A KYLE138 SPIRIT69 0 Mvar 23 pu MVA MVA pu A A 22 26 A tap YELL69 26 35 MW MVA MVA Mvar A MVA 0 Mvar pu A 14 KYLE69 18 Notice there A pu MVA MVA 25 MW A 61 MW 110 MW MVA 0 Mvar 0 Mvar pu