Oracle CRM On Demand Dashboards- P5: There are many people I would like to thank as I sit here after having just penned the final chapter of this book. I am sure I will miss many specific people if I tried to list them all, but I am compelled to mention some specific supporters. | Chapter 4 Dashboard Pages and Properties 57 Dashboard Properties hj Bock Dashboard Piopoitiv Jet properties for the Dashboard Delete rename and reorder Dashboard pages General Properties a Shared Folders Company wide Shared Folder Dashboards Marketing Ouanerly The marketing team uses this dashboard to track current quarter imbatrres Description Dashboard Pages clicking cancel floes nnt unon operations in this sectinn Pages iMePage operations Reotder Campaigns B 30 xl tel I rt ü a aa Accounts B 30 xj i a Contacts 30 a s FIGURE 4-9. Dashboard Properties window referring to the tabs in your dashboard here not pages in a printed dashboard. Also important to note here is the message on the screen stating that clicking Cancel does not undo operations in the section. What this means is each change you make to the individual dashboard pages here is immediately saved and immediately takes effect. Clicking Finished is not necessary to commit these changes to Oracle CRM On Demand just as clicking Cancel does not undo the changes made to the dashboard pages here. One thing you will notice as you make changes to your dashboard pages in this section is that the screen refreshes itself after each change. This is actually the application sending the change to the database and returning to the Dashboard Properties screen. This is why the Cancel button is of no consequence here. Each page that you have added to your dashboard is listed in the Dashboard Pages section. Next to each page is the Hide Page check box. Clicking the check box makes the associated page invisible. This can be quite useful when you are updating a dashboard and are not quite ready to commit to eliminating a dashboard page or developing a new page that is not ready for user consumption. Rather than delete the old page or expose a new page too early you can hide the page and delete or expose it later when you are comfortable doing so. Under the Operations heading you find two buttons for each dashboard