HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS- P17: I’ve been around the Web for a while now some might say I’ve been here from the beginning. And one thing that always bothered me about the Web was its inherent inability to disentangle content from presentation. | unicode-bidi I ll therefore refer you to the CSS standard57 for full details on these properties. Inherited No See also direction Value This property will accept any one of these three constant values normal The element is treated normally for purposes of bidirectional text rendering LTR text is rendered LTR and RTL text is rendered RTL. The direction property has no effect on the element. embed The element behaves as an embedded sequence of LTR or RTL text as set by the direction property. This is equivalent to setting the HTML dir property on the element. bidi-override All text inside the element whether LTR or RTL is rendered in the direction set by the direction property. This is equivalent to using an HTML bdo tag with the equivalent dir attribute value. Initial value normal Compatibility CSS Version 2 The property is not supported by any currently available browser. Example This style rule sets the text direction of an imaginary XML element named hebrew to rtl. The unicode-bidi property setting in this case ensures that all text within the hebrew element even text that would normally be displayed LTR according to the Unicode standard will be displayed RTL. hebrew direction rtl 57 http CSS21 direction 459 Licensed to siowchen@ Appendix C CSS Property Reference unicode-bidi bidi-override vertical-align This property sets the vertical alignment of text and other inline content with respect to either its parent element s font or the line in which it appears. This value also lets you set the vertical alignment of content within table cells. Inherited No See also text-align Value This property supports a range of constant values as well as CSS measurements and percentages. The majority of the supported constants for this property align text and other inline content with respect to the parent element s font baseline The baseline58 of the content will line up with the baseline of the parent element s font. If the content has no