Flash CS4 All-in-One For Dummies- P23: Welcome to Flash CS4 All-in-One For Dummies. Our goal when writing this book was to share our enthusiasm for Flash and, at the same time, demystify the application. You can do so many things with Flash that it becomes mind boggling. The minibooks in this reference are designed to take the boggle out of your mind and show you how to use Flash to create Web banners, animations, and other delights. We also delve into the topics of ActionScript and Flash video. | Index 631 Bitrate Settings option 439-440 filters 436-437 format 437 Others tab 441-442 Resize Video 437-439 video 437 setup AIR file 568-569 components 524 Flash spell check 153-154 live receiver application 471-473 shades 139 Shape class 351-355 shape tween animations building 220-222 editing 258-260 overview 43-44 shapes basic tools 104 lines 103-104 modifying 97 104-106 Oval tool 98-99 Polystar tool 100 Primitive Oval 93-95 Primitive Rectangle 95-97 Rectangle tool 93 99 unique 100-103 Sheffer stroke 317 Show Details dialog box 82 Silencing the Sound script 383 simulating 3D animation 223-226 size object 53 setting document 70-72 smart quotes 307 smart variables 306 smooth stroke 108 software sound-editing 367-370 Webcam 415 421-422 Solid Color option 36 Sony ACID Music Studio 369-370 Sony Sound Forge 368-369 Sony Web site 370 sort method 341 sorting with arrays 341 sound adding to buttons 376-377 from document library 374 effects 375-376 editing in external editors 390 files 385-390 in Flash 388-389 Find and Replace 157 library 377-378 loading external files with ActionScript 378-381 optimizing for projects 385-387 stereophonic 363 synching 374-375 using in projects 373-376 Sound Designer 2 .sd2 format 362 Sound Document .asnd format Adobe 362 sound-editing software Adobe Audition 367-368 Sony ACID Music Studio 369-370 Sony Sound Forge 368-369 Sound Properties dialog box 385-387 Sound Settings dialog box 603-605 SoundPlayer ActionScript code 379-380 soundtracks loading with ActionScript 381-383 specifying HTML settings 605-608 publish settings 600-601 SWF settings 601-605 spell-checking running Flash 154-155 setting up Flash 153-154 text field 152-153 Spelling Setup dialog box 153 Spray Brush tool animating with 226-227 overview 12 24 using 110-111 spraying symbols 166-167 square stroke 108 Stage overview 19 placing objects on 539-543 typing on 308 using components with class references 301-304 startDrag method 350-351 638 Flash CS4 All-in-One For Dummies .