The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks-P21:Apart from writing books like this one, I write code. I make my living by building web sites and applications as, I’m sure, many readers of this book do. I use CSS to complete jobs every day, and I know what it’s like to struggle to make CSS work when the project needs to be finished the next morning. | 377 section IDs within body elements 116 simulating button depression 108 zoom layouts and 278 columns alternating colors 160 creating full-height 345 comments 60 conditional comments 236 244 compatibility view in IE8 246 compliance mode rendering 233 235 conditional comments 236 244 containers collapsing when contents are floated 306 indenting rule 48 setting borders within 65 styling for navigation menus 92 treated as block-level elements 290 content areas centering 312 drop shadow effect 347 mouseover highlighting 159 in two-column liquid layouts 328 width adjustment for printing 271 contrast 275 278 site 258 CSS media types 261 .css file extension 4 CSS Pointers Group site 249 CSS tables creating layouts with 366 CSS Test Suite for list-style-type 53 CSS tutorial 1-17 CSS3 border-radius property 314 media queries 263 CSS3 selectors 116 nth-child selector 155 attribute selector 117 CSS-Discuss site 249 251 site 83 371 cursor positioning 204 see also mouseover effects in form fields 189 cursor property 119 D DOCTYPE tag 234 database-driven applications 165 365 default padding and margins 58 deprecated attributes 296 depressed effect button navigation 108 descendant selectors 10 device types styling for 261 display property displaying links as blocks 94 hiding page sections 270 272 inline display of form elements 185 li elements 56 102 104 overriding defaults 291 table-related values 367 div elements absolute positioning example 309 class selectors 35 drop shadow layout 349 fieldset and legend compared to 199 forcing inline display 289 291 form field layouts and 195 196 list-based navigation menu 92 positioning of nested 310 Download at 378 two-column centered layout using 338 doctype switching 233 doctypes 233 compliance mode enforcing 233 rendering modes and 233 document flow absolute positioning and 309 327 float property and 196 297 301 306 343 inserting form elements 186 relative positioning and 339 double border .