Tài liệu tham khảo bài giảng địa chất dầu khí ( petroleum geology ) gồm 10 chương trình bày các vần đề về chuyên ngành dầu khí - Chương 8 Cư chú của HC trong bồn trầm tích | Chapter 08 THE HABITA OF HYDROCARBONS IN SEDIMENTARY BASINS Introduction There are approximately 600 sedimentary rock basins in the world. A quarter of them are producing petroleum Before exploitating in a new area attemting to locate drillabe prospects it is necessery to establish the type of basin what productive horizons it may contain and where they may be broadly located Even though petroleum reserves can be found in rocks of all ages most giant fields and most of the world s reserves occur in sequences of Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic age Figure . Paleozoic rocks probably had potential to generate hydrocarbons equal to that of these younger rocks but there has been more time in which to destroy all or part of the petroleum through uplift and erosion Halbouty et al 1970