Nghiên cứu lớp phủ bằng tư liệu viễn thám quang học luôn gặp phải trở ngại: Đó là mây. Mây ngăn cản bức xạ từ mặt trời đến được bề mặt trái đất hoặc phản xạ từ vật thể trên bề mặt trái đất đến được bộ cảm trên vệ tinh tạo nên những vùng không có tín hiệu và không thể được sử dụng để nghiên cứu các đối tượng. | Tạo ảnh không mây phục vụ phân loại lớp phủ với tư liệu Landsat đa thời gian-nghiên cứu thử nghiệm tại tỉnh Đắk Lắk VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 35, No. 4 (2019) 80-87 Original Article Development Of Landsat Cloud Free Image Data For Classification Of Land Cover-Case Study In Dak Lak Province Tran Anh Tuan1,3,*, Nguyen Dinh Duong2 1 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Institute of Geography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam 3 VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam Received 13 September 2019 Revised 08 November 2019; Accepted 15 November 2019 Abstract: Land cover mapping by optical remote sensing has many obstacles including clouds. Clouds block solar radiation coming to earth surface and reflective radiance from the earth surface to remote optical sensors resulting. Therefore, clouds result no-signal areas in images that cannot be used for study of ground objects. In many cases, thin clouds degrade quality of reflective radiance and some times alter, unexpectedly, spectral reflectance characteristics of ground objects leading to false classification. In this paper, the authors present an algorithm on application of multidate for development of cloud free image. The used image data were received in rainy and dry seasons and by stacking, cloud free images representing rainy and dry seasons were created. These cloud free images can be used further for classification of land cover in rainy and dry seasons. Experiments were conducted with Landsat 8 OLI images with path/row number 124/51 covering Dak Lak province of Vietnam. The results of case study were development of cloud free image data representing rainy and dry seasons allowing separation of evegreen and deciduous forests in the study site. Keywords: .