The two year experiments were conducted under field and in the laboratory with fifteen cotton cultivars as treatments replicated thrice. Observation on major sucking pest viz., aphid, leafhopper, whitefly and thrips were recorded on five plants and biochemical constituent viz., crude protein, total phenols and total soluble sugar were estimated from the leaves of cotton cultivars collected at 45 and 60 days after emergence. The biochemical were estimated by standard methods and correlated with sucking pests. Results revealed that significantly maximum crude protein noted in cultivar RCH-2 Bt followed in BNBt, RCH-2, LRA-5166, Bunny and less crude protein in DHY-286 followed in PKVHY-2 and PKV Rajat, AKA-8 and AKA-7. Mean total sugar estimated in various cotton cultivars varied significantly with highest ( mg/g) in cultivar RCH-2 Bt and least was estimated in cultivar PKVHY-2 ( mg/g) followed in PKV Rajat ( mg/g). Mean total phenol in cotton leaves was on higher side in cultivar PKVHY-2 which being followed in leaves of DHY-286 and PKV Rajat. BNBt resulted least total phenol and was being followed in RCH-2 Bt, RCH-2, AKA-7 and AKA-8. There was weak non-significant correlation between aphid nymphs and thrips with biochemical viz., crude protein, total sugar and total phenol in leaves. Crude protein and total sugar had significant positive impact on leafhoppers and total phenol had negative significant impact on leafhopper. Whitefly had significant positive association with total phenol; whereas, other biochemical were not played much role in imparting resistance or susceptibility. | Biochemicals in cotton hybrids and varieties and their correlation with sucking insect pests