Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS Second Edition- P7: Điều này bắt đầu hướng dẫn nhận xét HTML và cũng giới thiệu đến bạn bằng cách sử dụng XHTML cho cấu trúc của một trang web và cascading style sheets (CSS) để kiểm soát như thế nào một tài liệu sẽ xuất hiện trên một trang web. Bạn se tìm hiểu làm thế nào để tận dụng lợi thế của các tính năng mới của các trình duyệt trong khi đảm bảo rằng các trang của bạn vẫn làm việc ở cũ, nhưng phổ biến, các trình duyệt. Bằng. | Chapter 7 Cascading Style Sheets Figure 7-36 2. Take a look at the following XHTML page xml version encoding iso-8859-1 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC - W3C DTD XHTML Transitional EN http TR xhtml1 DTD html xmlns http 1999 xhtml lang en head title Font test title link rel stylesheet type text css href head body table tr th Quantity th th Ingredient th tr tr class odd td 3 td td Eggs td tr tr td 100ml td td Milk td tr 271 Chapter 7 Cascading Style Sheets tr class odd td 200g td td Spinach td tr tr td 1 pinch td td Cinnamon td tr table body html Now create the style sheet that makes this example look like it does in Figure 7-37. Figure 7-37 Don t worry about getting the sizes exactly the same as the screenshot but do make sure you have padding in the cells and a border around the outside. The white border is created by default in IE and you find out how to remove this in Chapter 8. 272 8 More Cascading Style Sheets In this chapter you learn more about working with CSS. You will start by working through many of the remaining properties from the CSS specifications that allow you to control presentation of links backgrounds list styles table styles and outlines around boxes the last of which are different from borders . You then learn about the before and after pseudo-classes that allow you to add content that was not in the source document that you are styling before or after a specified element. Finally you will see how CSS can be used to position boxes on the page and therefore how they can be used to create layouts instead of using tables. By the end of the chapter you will know more about how to use CSS to control the following Presentation of links Backgrounds of document Styles of bullet points and numbered lists Appearance of tables Outlines around boxes Boxes that can gain focus or are active Addition of content to the XHTML document before or after an element The three positioning .