Hình Với một nhóm các hình ảnh được chọn, chọn chế độ Review. Sau đó, bạn có thể chỉ định thứ hạng số sử dụng các phím 1-5. Sử dụng mũi tên trái và phải để điều hướng thông qua các hình ảnh và mũi tên xuống để bỏ chọn chúng. Khi bạn đã hoàn tất, nhấn phím Esc để thoát hoặc nhấn phím Return (Enter) để mở các tập tin. | Chapter 13 DVD and Blu-ray Design Figure With a group of images selected choose View Review mode. You can then assign numerical rankings using the 1-5 keys. Use the left and right arrows to navigate through photos and the down arrow to deselect them. When you re finished press the Esc key to exit or press Return Enter to open the files. Identifying Connections and Creating Flowcharts What s the secret to making great DVD and Blu-ray Disc menus Know your purpose How you design a menu will depend a lot on the number of buttons you need to fit as well as any branding or title elements you need to include. Be sure you have a cohesive design so your navigation is consistent. Here are a few questions you ll need to resolve to obtain a clear path to the functional limits you ll need to clarify How many tracks will you have Identify every element that you think will be on the DVD Oe BD. Is it a simple title with just one video track and a slide show Or is it a major compilation with hundreds of clips How will those tracks be grouped Give some thought to any organization that will need to occur. Portfolio discs are often grouped by topic or genre. Entertainment titles generally group subsidiary material to one or more menus while giving prominence to the feature. Make a flowchart and know what you want and where you want it . Once all the tracks have been identified you should group them and organize them using a flowchart or tree diagram. This can be created with an application like OmniGraffle Figure or with the Organizational Chart Maker found in the Microsoft Office suitev . A flowchart is a useful way to identify which elements are grouped into each menu as well as to show the 398 Download from III Design Exploration connections between menus and tracks. Taking the time to make an actual plan will speed up the design and authoring processes and minimize unintentional errors. Figure A flowchart is a quick .