Bằng cách tắt các thiết bị chuyển mạch kết nối mạng, các cửa trong mạch có thể trở thành đóng cửa, do đó để lại các bộ phận của các mạng lưới bảo vệ của giới tinh hoa chính trị. Castells (1996, p. 471) đã ghi nhận, trong bối cảnh khác, thiết bị chuyển mạch kết nối mạng. | 111 The institutional design of anational citizenship can easily be excluded from formal political networks in various socio-political conjunctures. By turning off the switches connecting the networks gates within the circuit can become shut thereby leaving parts of the networks as the preserve of political elites. As Castells 1996 p. 471 has noted in another context switches connecting the networks . are the privileged instruments of power . They are essentially nodes of concentration of economic and political power and can be used in order to exclude the input of certain groups and In the light of the progressive shift of citizenship from high to lower excludability an argument can thus be made for lowering even further the threshold of excludability established by alienage and for extending full network access to all participants. This can be achieved by decentring the national frame of reference from its privileged position in citizenship theory and practice and by accentuating the public-good like nature of citizenship see below . The public quality of citizenship is not solely a measure of the existence of a government that ensures through direct and indirect tax collection that all citizens and residents share the collective burden and enforces payment for the benefits of membership. Rather the publicness of citizenship is a function of the ideals of equal membership and civic participation it entails. As noted earlier a political community that is ostensibly committed to those ideals must ensure that all the inhabitants who are subject to its laws directives and decisions take part in decision-making and are recognised as full and equal members. And although a democratic community has a legitimate interest in limiting political participation to persons who are concerned about it and committed to its welfare residence participation in the web of socio-economic interactions for an indefinite period of time and contribution be it monetary or .