Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế về bệnh thú y đề tài: Associations between the clinical signs of chronic endometritis with ovarian cysts and body condition loss in German Holstein Friesian cows | J. Vet. Sci. 2009 10 4 337-341 DOI JOURNAL OF Veterinary Science Associations between the clinical signs of chronic endometritis with ovarian cysts and body condition loss in German Holstein Friesian cows Georgios Tsousis1 Reza Sharifi2 Martina Hoedemaker3 Clinic of Farm Animals Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Aristotle University of Thessaloniki St. Voutyra str. 11 54627 Greece 2Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics University of Gottingen Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 3 37075 Germany 3Clinic for Cattle University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover Bischofsholer Damm 15 30173 Germany The objective of this retrospective field study was to associate the type and smell of discharge the size of the uterus the ovarian and treatment status and the time to diagnosis of animals with chronic clinical endometritis CCE with the incidence of ovarian cysts and with a marked loss in body condition in German Holstein Friesian cows. Two hundred and sixty-four cows diagnosed with CCE from day 14 to day 42 postpartum participated in this study. In addition 100 days milk production and the parity of the animals were included in the analysis. With the use of logistic regression a purulent vaginal discharge 50 pus the decision not to treat the animals for CCE and a high 100 days milk production proved to be significant factors for the incidence of ovarian cysts. Additionally the type of discharge showed interactions with the parity and the smell of the discharge as more animals with fetid and purulent discharge and more animals in the first lactation with a purulent discharge developed ovarian cysts. A high milk production and the parity showed associations with an excessive body condition score loss. Additionally more animals with a diagnosis of an oversized uterus in comparison to cows with an early involution experienced a considerable reduction in their nutritional condition. Keywords body condition score endometritis ovarian cysts Introduction Uterine disease of .