Tham khảo tài liệu '1000 từ tiếng nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 21', ngoại ngữ, nhật - pháp - hoa- others phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | List of 1000 Kanji 501 KYOU KEI ậ fc 9 It C kisou seru Ỹ 9 compete in a race. kyou ei - swimming race s kyou gi - a match game i M i kyou sou - competition 502 KITSU ậ o inhale drink Stt ju dou kitsu en - passive smoke kissaten - coffee house coffee shop 503 f KITSU ậ o tsumeru tsumaru tsumu o tó o o Ù to call to account to cram to put close to to shorten iiif kan zume - canned food canning - sushi zume - packed in like sushi sardines 504 fc KETSU t o kimaru kimeru ậ ậ tó to be decided decide fc kai ketsu - solution settlement fcUK ketsu gi - vote decide Xfcit u ten kekkou - even in case of rain will proceed not cancelled 505 M KUN kimi ậ you familiar ruler added to names of boys WM sho kun - Ladies Gentlemen M kimi - you to girls - be careful can be consided a little rude 101 List of 1000 Kanji 506 GYAKU sakarau saka Ẻ fr b 9 Ẻ fr reverse opposite è saka sama - up-side down M gyaku kou ka - back fire opposite of what was hoped for gyaku setsu - paradox 507 M KYUU 9 grade M ikkyuu - 1st class 1st grade M kou kyuu - high class expensive M jou kyuu - advanced level upper class à fêM bu shi kai kyuu - the warrior class 508 KYOU ậ fc 9 tama t ball takkyuu - ping pong table tennis ỉtì chi kyuu - the Earth 509 KYOU ậ fc 9 motomeru é tó á seek 444 tan kyuu - a quest pursuit 44 you kyuu - to demand request kyuu ai - courting kyuu shoku - searching for a job job-hunting 510 KYOU ậ fc 9 naku ft cry M kan kyuu - to be moved to tears ậ 0 naki warai - a tearful smile smile through one s tears 102 List of 1000 Kanji 511 KYOU fc 9 sukuu t 9 save rescue kyuu kyuu sha - an ambulance Alli- kyuu sei shu - Messiah Savior Ami kyuu mei - life saving 512 KYUU 9 supply pay n kyuu shoku - school lunch H kyuu ryou bi - pay day 513 A KYUU KU 9 hisashii ư Ẻ L long time ALA- hisashiburi - it s been a long time LAA ei kyuu shi - permanant tooth 514 IB KYUU 9 old former ÍMIH fukkyuu - restoration rehabilitation IHỳẾ kyuu sei - maiden name .