Tuy nhiên, khả năng này là đội ngũ với điều kiện rằng gia tăng áp lực diễn ra dần dần và từ từ. Trong phần này là do sức đề kháng cao của các nhung mao màng nhện CSF lọc; khi giới hạn tốc độ này CSF-tĩnh mạch thoát nước được đạt tới, áp lực nội sọ sẽ tăng lên. | 198 III. INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION that alters this volume of these compartments reducestheir total aemparfatorypower. Genertllhspeakine the COF compartment re partiaeCerhasaseletcvety hlghceoadte forrb-sorbin inneehsesinlnttacnashChressure. Hnw-ever Als tpis eomingenlen therondition that the poeesureihcrehseteeespleee gradual and slowiyrnp art ahis isdue tothehighoeelsSr ance of the agedecoih aw to CSF filtration when this CSF-cottohs drainage sure limit is reacheO ohnlntraclaniai hnesiasreehiit wngg Tire systemsfluid rtnabsoepei iecahafrte cneo ftohe most faarehttieh cse Crainasọeraee cS t at thereOore foilows aneoomséon for example ofa aebdihdhcsmstomamfo ho precipitfnessghr ufintracraniaS hyprrtensíonií it forms sufficiently slowly. The Ohhosite is trtto for the vowular com i partment whirh hat oery little reserve cpcc p witltoutciccufatocyidsofrleiency hriomg vhehih the brain. However what toeeive chcre ic adapts very rapidly shonkt to ilia direct com nection of the eorebrghpsaular - with thesyttemiecireufaticn. Flucmsctionsm cercbralPiooP dow greẹov-ernedlrganumllcspfSaatoresuchcfcarbhn dioậddt tthds adenọtlne potaastum fro-staglinUininnd mcdf eines haxanthn i i petw iticf hihto solutions ahi Ucdetotmotlf folueédi l ran also in-ereaseeeeebrclpioop dow. After ecertainpomt is reachc anincrrasem c erebralPiooP How causascniecrecseiu 1 ones aure. In hedthgsub ecti lhtracranialhnes tuneap-peartto Pecpnưdlludgnd maimalned idim a relativeSe naorow rfhgefrom dtornent to moment lo mlnot of GIF votume. However when mưecramd hopertensíon h longiftcudiuh adU aoneideranie . cerebral oedeotn -ntracranial fpgc e-occudamg teelon etc. rotultípc hypetoapme mOurad by theseoonditihds causascnincrecsemnnracra-n al pnes surempart dueto the reduced iwoft of fluidavailehlnapsreabsgsptíon To sornrnệea the a o a htf i eit comi pensatíhnmerhfnftmf ihfreOorehaveahcrying role Cd lntfacfaniai o an hgnldfHasie The mưacranáal lurne 0-00 iii pplhdlooifa1