Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Year in review 2005: Critical Care — Respirology: mechanical ventilation, infection, monitoring, and education. | Available online http content 10 3 217 Review Year in review 2005 Critical Care - Respirology mechanical ventilation infection monitoring and education Jack J Haitsma1 Jesus Villar1 2 and Arthur S Slutsky1 interdepartmental Division of Critical Care University of Toronto Toronto Canada 2Canarian Institute for Biomedical Research Canary Islands Spain Corresponding author Arthur S Slutsky Published 29 June 2006 This article is online at http content 10 3 217 2006 BioMed Central Ltd Critical Care 2006 10 217 doi cc4959 Abstract We summarize all original research in the field of respiratory intensive care medicine published in 2005 in Critical Care. Twenty-seven articles were grouped into the following categories and subcategories to facilitate rapid overview mechanical ventilation physiology spontaneous breathing during mechanical ventilation high frequency oscillatory ventilation side effects of mechanical ventilation sedation and prone positioning infection pneumonia and sepsis monitoring ventilatory monitoring pulmonary artery catheter and pulse oxymeter and education training and health outcome . Introduction This article summarizes the original research in the field of respirology that was published in 2005 in Critical Care. We grouped the articles into subcategories to help the reader get a rapid overview of the key articles and thus focus on topics of interest. Mechanical ventilation Physiology In acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS the amount of aerated lung is markedly reduced as a result of alveolar collapse and flooding. Rylander and coworkers 1 assessed the volume of poorly or nonventilated gas in mechanically ventilated ARDS patients. They assumed that the difference ratio between ventilated gas volume end-expiratory lung volume measured using sulphur hexafluoride and total gas volume total end-expiratory gas volume independent of ventilation measured using computed tomography represents .